My fascination for people arose from drawing early on in my life. Portraits I made at the Vrije Academie naturally grew into complete people. There is plenty to work with, because I love watching people, almost shamelessly, looking at faces, postures, movements and their ratios. A gallery owner once remarked I devour people with my eyes. There is a truth to that. I store these images in my memory and hardly think of them again. But when they are needed, they present themselves and turn to paint, clay or plaster. Just as shameless as I stored them.
From that moment on, they lead a life of their own. They tell their own story. They evoke emotions, seduce you into reflections. One might recognize their neighbour or second cousin. Should I speak to that? No, art speaks for itself and needs no explanation.
I also have an endless fascination for materials and techniques. Put me in any workplace and all kinds of new ideas come to me.